New cost-efficient O&M model to turn around profitability – case Hamm, Germany

Negative development in energy prices affected the 2 x 420 MWe combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant in Hamm, Germany, and led to problems with the profitability of the plant. With the new operating model developed by Fortum eNext, the cost of operation and maintenance services was cut down by roughly 20%.

Hamm power plant site in Germany

Case description

Fortum eNext has been responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Hamm CCGT power plant in Germany since 2007. In 2014 the power plant faced serious profitability issues due to decreased electricity prices. The customer and Fortum eNext together created a new operating model that made it possible for the power plant to continue operating, but in a way that is cost-efficient and profitable for both parties.

“In order to stay competitive in the fluctuating and highly competitive local market, we needed a strong, long-term O&M strategy that would provide cost-effective operation and maintenance with an optimal workforce ensuring a high-level of quality and reliability, as well as meeting or even exceeding the demanding environmental and safety standards,” says General Manager Mikko Päivärinta from Fortum eNext, who worked as Plant Manager at the Hamm power plant from 2007 to 2018.

In the end, Fortum eNext and the customer succeeded in creating a new operating model enabling the power plant to continue operations profitably and to hold on to its own, experienced and motivated staff, thereby making it possible to run the plant in a flexible and profitable way.

The customer is very satisfied with the situation.

“We chose Fortum as our O&M operator due to great price-quality ratio and have not regretted our choice. The availability is high, and we are impressed by Fortum’s safety culture and technical competence,” says Dr. Martin Buschmeier, CEO of Trianel Gaskraftwerk Hamm GmbH & Co.

Hamm combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant

  • Trianel Gaskraftwerk Hamm GmbH & Co, owned by 28 German, Austrian and Dutch regional electricity companies.
  • Fortum has been responsible for the operation and maintenance of the power plant since the start of commercial operation in 2007.

Operational facts

  • Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant in Hamm, Germany, consisting of 2 x 400 MWe single-shaft trains.
  • With the new operating model, the cost of operation and maintenance services was cut by roughly 20%.
  • In terms of availability and reliability, the power plant is one of the most modern gas power plants in Germany.

Interested to learn more? Read also the longer case description.

Read the full story

Contact our specialist for more information

Mikko Päivärinta

General Manager, Fortum eNext
Tel: +358 40 830 7855
mikko [dot] paivarinta [at] fortum [dot] com